Unintended Consequences
So, the Iraqi insurgents are fighting for my freedom. Every American soldier they kill makes the unprovoked invasion and all the costs that much more unpalatable to Only-Americans-Count Americans, along with the assaults on my civil liberties in the name of a War Against Terrorism. And a even clearer failure, particularly a failure under the current administration, might give us another 20 years of partial immunity to this kind of adventure that we had after Vietnam. Sure, the Sunni nutcases would love to oppress me much more thoroughly than "my" own Christian leaders, but somehow I suspect that my resolve, along with my "fellow" Americans would stiffen to steel in that case.
And, of course, that the volunteer American military, particularly the long-suffering USMC (and not the USN or Air Force) may pay the price of any return of the missing parts of my freedom is true. But in this case not by killing - by dying. I'll not be so ungrateful as to thank them.